
Applying phosphoproteomics to cancer diagnostics and precision medicine

Professor Pedro Cutillas

Professor of Cell Signalling and Proteomics, Cancer Research UK Barts Centre

Kinomica has developed KScan, a phosphoproteomic diagnostic platform to help clinicians prescribe the right drug, for the right patient, at the right time.

Kinomica are a response-to-treatment company answering questions such as:

  • Of the drugs currently approved to treat a disease, which one is best for a particular patient?
  • For patients that don’t respond to treatment or relapse shortly afterwards, are there drugs approved for other diseases that may be beneficial?
  • How can phosphoproteomics help to develop better drugs?

Why did you start your spinout?

I started Kinomica because I thought we had the potential to help treat cancer patients with the most appropriate anti-cancer drug out of the several different treatments now available. My research team and I had been developing this technology over the last 15 years, but without further development this was just academic. We needed a vehicle to develop these approaches into tests that can actually bring benefit to patients. Kinomica is now developing these tests in a way that one day, in the not-so-distant future, will enable clinicians to make a more informed decision on the best-suited treatment for a given patient.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurial academics?

My advice to entrepreneurial academics is to keep believing in your ideas despite inevitable setbacks – and keep persevering.

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